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what are Professional Automotive Tools?

what are Professional Automotive Tools?

Sep 19,2023
Automotive tools and equipment are products that mechanics (or car owners) use when working on vehicles. They can be tools to keep parts and systems in good condition, popularly called maintenance tools, or tools to fix problems such as those used to remove and install fasteners. They can also diagnostic tools that detect issues.

Automotive tools are also either hand or power tools. Hand tools include wrenches, ratchets, and pliers. Examples of automotive tools that need electricity to run are drills, electric wrenches and some types of tire inflators. Some power tools, such as pneumatic impact wrenches, are air-driven.

Most auto tools such as wrenches and screwdrivers need to be strong enough to withstand rough use. They are, therefore, usually drop forged and made from tough materials such as high-carbon steel or chrome-vanadium. You will also often find them coated to prevent corrosion. If plastic or rubber is used, it’s usually the heavy-duty type.

There’s no limit to the number and types of automotive tools that a DIY enthusiast or mechanic can own. Many motorists keep a collection of the tools, usually the types needed for simple repairs. Other owns a large selection, almost the size of a mechanic’s. Read on for a list of these tools.

These are popularly used by mechanics or vehicle owners who take their repair projects seriously. The most used include the following.

Air compressor- stores compressed air that can be used to inflate tires or operate pneumatic tools such as impact wrench
Cordless drill- to drill holes or remove fasteners such as rivets
Tire pressure gauge- ensures vehicle tires are inflated to the correct pressure
Torque wrench- lets you tighten fasteners to the correct and manufacturer-specified torque values
Impact wrench- makes removing bolts a breeze by using a powered mechanism
Ramps- provide a means to elevate a vehicle so you can work underneath. Many people find them less safe compared to jacks
Machinist vice- used to hold things firmly when working on them. A useful automotive tool for parts rebuilders
Angle grinder- used to cut metal parts quickly and conveniently or level edges
Digital calipers- for measuring different components to ensure their correct dimensions or to detect flaws
Jump starter- allows you to start a car when the battery is not working
Brake caliper wind back kit- used to force back a brake caliper piston and allow enough space to mount brake pads or brake discs
Laser thermometer- measures heat to diagnose car problems that involve overheating
OBD11 scanner- to read trouble codes, especially when dashboard lights come on. One of the most expensive but essential types of automotive tools
Wi-Fi video scope- allows you to view hidden places such as inside engine cylinders. Consists of a camera and screen linked by a Wi-Fi connection
Brake bleeder and vacuum pump- used when draining or changing brake fluid to make the process easier and more efficient
Rethreading set- also popular among tools for rebuilders. Used to replace the stripped thread
Radiator pressure tester kit- measures radiator pressure to detect leaks. Useful when changing the coolant
Cylinder compression tester kit- mechanics use this tool to check cylinder compression and diagnose gasket problems, among other issues
Besides the automotive tools and equipment described above, there are supplies that every car owner or repair technician needs to stock. Important ones include electric tape, zip ties, a set of fuses, and wire connectors- not forgetting the user manual.

Other important supplies include lubricants, penetrating fluid, and cleaners. In addition to commercial cleaners, it’s crucial to have soap or detergent and several buckets around. Your list is also incomplete without sponges and towels to help you wash and wipe surfaces or fire extinguisher to handle small fires.
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